Things that can only happen in India

India is undoubtedly one of the most interesting countries in the world; It strikes people with its contrasts, impresses them with its traditions and rich culture, and stays a secret for most foreigners.
1. There are 6 seasons in India.
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According to the Hindu calendar, there are 6 seasons in India: summer, autumn, winter, spring, the monsoon season, and the winter’s eve season. More season to enjoy.
2. There's an agreeing gesture.
Instead of common nodding, Indians bobbletheir heads from side to side. It might look like a condemnation rather than an answer meaning “yes.”
3. India is the largest vegetarian country
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Vegetarianism is one of the traditional features of Hinduism, and that’s why almost 60% of Indians are vegetarians. India also has the lowest percentage of meat consumption per capita.
4. India is the largest English-speaking nation in the world; there are 2 official languages in India: Hindi and English. Thats not all, the government accepts 17 other languages. There are 1,650 dialects found across the country. More to Learn!
5. The air is polluted.
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There's a problem of air pollution in all big cities in India, and car exhausts cause smog and breathing difficulties among citizens and visitors in the country. One day in Delhi or Mumbai is equal to smoking 100 cigarettes and thats alot.
6. Biggest family in the world lives in India.
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World’s biggest family lives in India. This man has 39 wives and 94 kids.

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