Tomato makes skin healthy and shiny, learn how to use

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There will be no one who does not like glowing skin. Many people take many measures to improve their skin. But there are many such things in our kitchen that can enhance our skin and enhance its beauty. Tomato is one of these things. A tomato replete with beta carotene, vitamin C and lycopene is a superfood for the face. Today we will tell you how tomatoes can help in maintaining the shine and health of your skin.
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In such a problem, tomato juice should be drunk. Mater's juice acts as an estrogen on the face. For better results, you can also apply tomato on the rind. Add four to five drops of lemon juice in a table spoon tomato juice and apply on the face. Later wash the face with lukewarm water.
You can get rid of this problem by rubbing tomato slices on the blackhead affected area.
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The presence of vitamin C in tomatoes helps to cleanse the skin. Apply tomatoes on your face and see effective results.
Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants including vitamin C, therefore, eating tomatoes can reduce the amount of cell-damage free-radicals in the body and give you a healthy skin.
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Tomatoes fight cellular damage, retaining moisture, preventing wrinkles and wrinkles.
The acid present in tomatoes helps to reduce your pimples and cleanse the skin. The vitamins A and C found in it are considered to be common antioxidants that fight inflammation caused by acne.
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