How to make your kids eat healthy homemade food?


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Today wherever mother's of school going kids gather the main topic of discussion is about their wards being picky eaters or not eating at all. The children look healthy for thier age, active, playful naughty and intelligent.  They don't look like malnutritious poor kids who are really starving without proper food.
The problem is not with the children but with the parents. Since birth infants cry when they are hungry. As the child grows it may show some uneasiness by howling loudly or being very stubborn if he/she feels hungry.  Due to the over anxious nature of the mother, she feeds the child before it feels hungry.  There is no gap between two meals. In her enthusiasm to provide nutritious food she gives more protien rich food to the child. Thus the child may not feel hungry  during meal time. Besides, giving biscuits, choclates and other snacks thinking that they are trendy foods may curb the hunger of the child. Most of the children create tantrums while drinking milk, because of the full fat milk by adding malted beverages which the child may find difficult to digest. The parents should be wary of the of the false claims made by the food and beverage companies about their products which they say that it increases the physical and mental growth of the child.
The parents should follows some tips and tricks to make the children eat the food served at home without tantrums.
TIP NO. 1:
Biscuits, choclates, chips and other bakery products should not be purchased every time while shopping for groceries.. If ever these items are to be purchased it should be reduced in quantity. And it should be given to children only once a day. It should be limited to 1 biscuit, a small piece of chocolate given after  few hours of eating the main meal . Even while buying them healthy options should be selected.  Instead of these snack items fruits and dry fruits should be cleaned and kept at hands reach of children. 
TIP NO. 2:
Nutritious evening snacks should be prepared at home.  When children accompany parents while going out for shopping or an outing they should be  given proper food before moving out.  Thus they may not feel hungry on the way.  Besides parents should make it a habit of not going to restaurants or buying outside food everytime children are taken out.
Breakfast, lunch, or dinner time should be happy time for children.  There should be a peaceful environment at home during mealtime, without ant distractions. Mobiles, television,computers should be switched off during meal time. Elders  should not pass negative comments about the food while having food. The cook should be praised if the food has come out to be tasty. Elders should as far as possible  eat all  the food which is served and should avoid throwing food into the garbage bin. Children always emulate elders and will learn to savour the food and eat it without creating tantrums. Children should be involved in the process of cooking and cleaning.
TIP NO. 4:
The last meal of the day should be served by 7.30 P.M to 8.00 P.M .  Thus the food will be half digested before the child goes to sleep.  With a sound sleep the child will be in a happy mood fresh and ready to eat breakfast the next day.
    Thus having clean nutritious food at the correct time and served with love results in a happy, healthy and intelligent child who will grow up to be good citizen of tomorrow.

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  1. "Your kid must be your first priority and so must be looking for new and easy steps to make your kids eat healthy food without any hustle. Learning Mantraa is here with amazing ideas through which you can make your kid take a healthy diet.
