Natural remedies to cure diabetes. A must read article.

 Source: Roz Dhan "AkshayMeena"

Natural remedies to cure diabetes. A must read article.

ResultView Original Try to eat one gooseberry with turmeric and salt once each day . You can leave 10 curry leaves during a bowl of water overnight and drink the water on empty stomach next morning. You can take 2 spoons of neem leaf powder on empty stomach with warm water. You can drink the tea of a pinch of hybiscus flower powder with a pinch of cinnamon powder.

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You can cut 10 pieces of okra into long pieces and leave during a bowl of water overnight and drink the gelly type water next morning on empty stomach.

You can eat bitter gourd as vegetable curry or make juice and drink on empty stomach. Add millets in your diet by powdering them and adding in flour or making pancakes. Add besan (a handful) within the wheatflour for creating chapathis. you'll also make porridge with millets.

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Try to hamper on sweets and carbohydrates. Walk a day for 20 minutes. Do stretching exercises. Relax your mind. Do pranayam (anulom vilom , bhastrika and deep breathing exercises). you'll look for Baba Ram Dev on YouTube for demonstration of varied breathing techniques to scale back stress. Empty your mind and relax before you sleep. Everything will fall in situ. Eat only 2 times a day. Only water otherwise. No tea (except green tea), coffee, soft drinks, prasad(small offerings), biscuits or chocolates, paan(beelenut leave) etc.

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For carbohydrates you have to go for organically produced wholegrain products: home baked bread, pinhead organic oatmeal, wholegrain rice. Don’t eat white rice - this is a major insulin spiker. Eat boiled or baked potatoes. - don’t eat fries. The key is complex carbohydrates which provide slow release of sugar into bloodstream. Minimise carb intake from grain products to a minimum. Do strict water fasting for at least one day per week - this has to be the same day each week for it to work properly, reduce insulin production and allow organs regular resting time.

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