Almonds with vitamins and antioxidants are a great food for winter. Consuming it in winter with milk or honey will protect you from increasing cold. It is also used in making chikkis or laddus in many homes.
Amla also contains a lot of vitamin-C, which is nothing less than a boon for liver, digestion, skin and hair. Amla, which controls acidity, blood sugar levels and cholesterol, is also effective in keeping the body warm in winter.
Orange is rich in vitamin-C. In the winter, due to sunlight, the skin gets vitamin-D on one side, while on the other hand there is a lot of damage. Orange makes up for this loss. Even orange is effective in controlling the calories burned.
Honey is very useful for relieving cough and cold in winter. It keeps your body warm and also helps in maintaining immunity system better.
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Rich in medicinal properties, ginger contains many antioxidants that benefit the body. Even with fever, acidity, cold, and poor digestion, ginger tea is considered a panacea.